Aug 21, 2024 | Uncategorized

Key Responsibilities for Team Managers:

1. PLAYER REGISTRATION– Ensure all players are registered. Notify if short on players.
2. COMMUNICATION– Keep parents updated on news and encourage them to familiarize themselves
with the website and social media.
3. GAME SCHEDULING– Draw released two weeks before the competition. Inform players/parents about
game times and field numbers weekly.
4. POST GAME SCHEDULING– Address score disputes at the desk, sign the referee card at
commencement of the game especially for under 7s to U11s.
5. TEAM GEAR– Ensure players wear team shirts and appropriate footwear (no metal studs).
6. ATTENDANCE– At least two adults must be present during games, particularly for 15s and 17s.
7. BEHAVIOR– Promote a zero-tolerance policy for referee abuse. Please enforce no drinking or smoking
around the fields. Spectators are asked to be courteous & positive in all aspects of the game.
8. SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT– Foster a competitive yet nurturing atmosphere for players.
Team shirts and balls will be distributed the week before competition (details TBA).
– Remind players to substitute from the sideline.
E Bikes– Are not allowed on the fields at any time.
Dogs– Please no dogs on the fields. If everyone was to bring their pet we could have 2500 of them
running around. It’s no place for a dog! Too many balls & little kids.
This structure should help in ensuring a smooth season for all teams involved. If you have any specific
questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask ( )

Northern Beaches Touch Association

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