Jul 23, 2023 | Uncategorized

We are pleased to let everyone know our junior team registrations have opened.

When you register your team name we require a “player registration’ at the same time to hold your teams position in the competition. (There is no fee to enter a team name)

If after 2 weeks there are no players registered into your team it will be removed from the competition to allow another team to enter.

All team T-shirts will be a kit size with a maximum of 9 shirts for Under 7s and 9s, all age groups from 11s up will receive 11 shirts max.

Teams have a maximum and minimum amount of players allowed.

7s and 9s- Maximum 9 and minimum 8

11s to 17s- Maximum 11 and minimum 9

All age groups have a number limit set on them. We only have a certain amount of fields we can use. Once age groups are full they will shut off automatically.

We will advertise when age groups are full. Dont risk waiting to hear this! Summer touch is very popular.

All information can be found on our website. If you still cant find the answer to your question after reading the website please send us an email and we will do our best to get back to you.


TEAM REGISTRATION LINK- https://profile.mysideline.com.au/register/compsearch/?criteria=northern%20beaches&type=&activity=&gender=&agemin=&agemax=&comptype=&source=touch-football

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