Jun 26, 2023 | Uncategorized

Please take note of the ‘new’ rep player rule for teams.

This will be put in place for this season under the hope that everyone abides by the rules. If a team breaches the rep player rule they risk being moved from the competition until they are under the point cap.

These rules are in place to make the competition enjoyable for everyone. The majority of teams play park touch for the love of the game, to play with their friends and to just have a fun run around on a Friday night.

Teams with rep or dev players have a Max of 10 points. (Max of 5 Renegades players)

  • 3 points – ‘REP’ player remaining in their correct age group [eg a 14Rep playing U13s again]
  • 2.5 points – ‘Development’ player remaining in their correct age group [eg a 14 Dev playing U13s again]
  • 2.5 points – ‘REP’ player moving up to their correct higher age group [eg a 12 Rep playing U13s]
  • 2 point – ‘Development’ player moving up to their correct higher age group [eg a 12 Dev playing U13s] and dev/rep player that is 11 or below playing under 13s


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